掌握Photoshop CC曲线工具使用技巧视频教程

作者 : 素材盒子网  下载失效链接




Why Curves? Why I decided to make a course focused on this one Adjustment Layer. What is the advantage of curves comparing to for example to levels or other adjustments in Photoshop.

当涉及到调整对比度,色调和阴影 - 没有什么比曲线更强大。它给你惊人的控制调整阴影,亮点,对比度,亮度和颜色在Photoshop中。甚至还有更多! - 如果你学习如何以正确的方式使用曲线,它将允许您从开始到完成处理和润饰整个图像。
When it comes to adjusting contrasts, tones and shadows – There's nothing more powerful than curves. It gives You amazing control on adjusting Shadows, Highlights, Contrasts, Brightness and Color in Photoshop. And even what's more! - If You learn how to use Curves in the right way, it will allow You to process and retouch whole Image from the start to finish.

如果你不知道如何做到这一点,或者你只是一个想要探索更多photoshop和修饰 - 我在这里帮助和给我最好的我知道的人。
If You don't know how to do this, or You are just someone who want to explore more photoshop and retouching – I am here to help and give whats best I know.

在几个小时你将了解你需要知道的关于曲线的一切。不要担心,如果你是初学者 - 因为我们要开始简单!我们将在几个不同的部分,通过每一个可能的主题。
In a few hours You will learn everything You need to know about curves. Don't worry If You are beginner – because we are going to start simple! We will walk through every possible subject in a few separated sections.

我们将谈论足够的理论,使你对自己正在做的事情有信心。从实际的东西 - 你会知道关于阴影和亮点,对比,颜色,色调,固定色调,固定曝光,使用右混合模式的一切。您将学习如何有效地使用面罩,以完全控制图像的每个部分。最后 - 你将学习通过曲线修饰!从开始到结束 - 是否使用工作室 - 或音频图像!
We will talk about just enough theory to make You confident with what You're doing. From practical things – You will know everything about Shadows and Highlights, contrasts, Colors, Toning, Fixing Tones, Fixing Exposure, Working with right blending modes. You will learn how to work with masks in effective way to have full control on every part of the image. And Finally – You will learn retouching by curves! From start to finish – whether You working with studio – or audio images!

素材盒子网 » 掌握Photoshop CC曲线工具使用技巧视频教程


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